Degree Show

Edinburgh Collage Of Art


Installations of division

Brexit brought me back to the city of my birth, Belfast, to explore the physical legacy of past conflict and the installations of division that continue to blight the landscape.

For many people in Britain Brexit is about an uncertain, unknown future. But for people living on the island of Ireland, our biggest fear is that we know the future because for us Brexit heralds a return to the past.  The re-imposition of a border threatens to replace a shared European identity, growing prosperity and the peace process with division, poverty and the re-emergence of conflict.  

It has been a project underpinned by the expectation that Brexit will lead to a new proliferation of concrete and steel and their representation of the immobilization of human relations captured in the imposition of physical installations of division.




Drawing as Looking, HOXTON 253, London


Watch Tower; An Exploration in Multiples